Florida Liquor License Requirements For Hotel Bars

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Florida Liquor License Requirements For Hotel Bars

Updated: June 18, 2024

Like any business selling alcohol, a hotel bar must have an appropriate license to run in Florida. Operating without one can attract monetary penalties or even lead to the closure of the establishment.

Contrary to regular business licenses, alcoholic beverage licensing in Florida is quite complex. This is because there are many licenses, each intended for various types of alcohol. Moreover, licensing requires fulfillment of many requirements, further complicating the process. Beverage License Specialist has been helping business owners navigate the complicated needs of obtaining an alcoholic beverage license for hotels for over 30 years. Keep reading to get an overview of what this process entails and how we can help.

Types of Alcoholic Beverage Licenses in Florida

The type of alcoholic beverage license you need depends on one primary factor— the alcoholic beverage your hotel bar intends to sell. Common alcoholic beverage licenses for a standard hotel in Florida include:

2COP (Beer & Wine only)

The 2COP alcoholic beverage license is for hotel bars seeking to sell beer and wine. With this license, you can sell various beers to patrons within the hotel premises. Besides on-site consumption, the license allows you to sell beer and wine in sealed containers for off-premise consumption.

4COP “S” –

The 4COP, series S license, is issued based upon the statutory requirements set forth in Florida Statute 561.20 (2) (a) 1. Based upon the population in the county you are seeking licensure would determine the number of required rooms for transient guests for issuance of the 4COP “S” license. The “S” license also permits the sale of beer, wine & spirits for both on and off premise consumption for your motel or hotel operation..

Liquor License Application Process

Florida’s liquor license application process is quite intricate. Your hotel bar will kickstart the process by determining the type of license needed. The license depends on the alcoholic beverages you intend to sell and the requirements for issuance.

After determining the correct license, you need to gather multiple documents and approvals. These include health approvals and clearance from the Department of Revenue. You will also need zoning approval, affidavits, and fingerprint receipts.

The liquor license application process ends with sending an application to the Florida Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco.

It’s extremely common for businesses to miss something minor on an application and submit incomplete documentation. Negligible as these mistakes sound, they can complicate the application process. This is where Beverage License Specialists come in handy.

Why Choose Beverage License Specialists To Help Obtain Your Liquor License

We have served in Florida’s liquor licensing space for over 30 years. As such, we understand Florida’s liquor licensing requirements inside out. Rest assured, we will guide you through the process, ensuring you get everything right.

Some of the things we help you maneuver include the following:

  • License Selection. Beverage license specialists will help you choose the correct license for your hotel bar. We know the proper alcoholic beverage license for every business.
  • Paperwork and Documentation. We know all the paperwork and documentation required to secure an alcoholic beverage license. As such, we will help you compile the documents and complete the necessary paperwork.
  • Application and Follow-up. Our support does not end once we gather your documentation and paperwork. We will proceed to submit your license application. Furthermore, we will make follow-ups till you secure the license.

Florida Liquor Licenses Made Easy

Securing an alcoholic beverage license in Florida is undeniably challenging. You have to understand legal requirements and gather the correct documents. Moreover, you need to secure approvals and then make your application. The process can take several weeks to months.

Beverage License Specialists can help handle all this stress as you focus on business. We’ll assist you with every step, from selecting the appropriate license to applying for it. Contact us to request a quote for our liquor license support services.


Image credit: guys_who_shoot / Shutterstock

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