Duval County Liquor License

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One of the largest revenue generators for any restaurant, event space, or store is their liquor and alcohol sales. To ensure your business is legally allowed to serve alcoholic beverages, you’ll need some type of alcoholic beverage license. A Duval County Florida liquor license will allow you to offer an essential part of your menu or inventory while complying with local and state laws.

Starting the Licensing Process

Duval County Florida encompasses several municipalities, each of which may add their own requirements and regulations to state laws regarding the use and issuance of alcoholic beverage licenses. So, it’s essential to know which county or municipality that you wish to operate.

To apply, you’ll also need to gather some necessary documentation:

  • Completed application form
  • Contracts of management
  • Fingerprints
  • Health or H&R approval for on-premise consumption
  • Related party personal information
  • Revenue approval
  • Right of occupancy
  • Floorplan sketch of the location

Having these documents at the ready decreases turnaround time, allowing you to begin selling alcohol sooner. If you’re unsure of how to procure these documents, do not hesitate to reach out to Beverage License Specialists. Our team can review the essential information to help ensure you’re in the best spot to receive your license.

Types of Liquor Licenses in Duval County

There are a variety of licenses available for your business, and while some are similar, there may be different names based on your county’s population. For example, the 3APS, 3BPS, 3PS, and 3CPS all allow for the same type of package sales, but their annual fees and which one you’ll need to apply for depends on the specific county you are looking to operate in. Similarly, a 4COP, 5COP, 6COP & 7COP all allow for the same type of consumption on-premise sales but likewise, have different annual fees and are dependent upon the county you will be operating in.

For a comprehensive license that allows your business to sell beer, liquor, and wine for off-premises consumption, you’ll need at least one of several Quota-class licenses. Each of these licenses requires you to comply with many regulations, such as selling alcohol during regular business hours for at least eight hours a day for a period of at least 210 days:

  • 3PS
    • Counties: Clay, Duval, and St. Johns
    • Fee: $1365

If you are a full bar or restaurant and need a broad license to sell beer, liquor, and wine (either by the glass or in sealed containers) for consumption either on or off the premises, you’ll need to apply for one of the following licenses:

  • 4COP
    • Counties: Clay, Duval, and St. Johns
    • Fee: $1820

Get Help with Licensing with Beverage License Specialists

If the variety of license names, permissions, and costs has your head spinning, do not despair. Beverage License Specialists is here to help you throughout this process. Our knowledgeable staff knows the liquor license process inside and out.

To help businesses follow state and local rules and regulations, we offer a wide variety of services:

  • Consulting on the liquor license process and providing guidance based on our unique understanding of government processes, rules, and codes.
  • Financing liquor licenses for businesses that require financial assistance in completing the purchase of their license.
  • Helping individuals and companies who only require a beer and wine license for their restaurant, convenience store, or bar.
  • Working with your business should you choose to purchase or sell a liquor license to ensure there are no additional obligations or regulatory issues.

Duval County FL

Why Wait? Contact Us Today to Start the Process!

If your business is looking to sell alcohol, make sure to contact Beverage License Specialists today. Our customer-focused, deeply knowledgeable team is available by phone at. Contact us online to get started or give us a call at 954-369-5858.

If you are seeking to buy, sell or finance a Florida liquor license, contact Beverage License Specialists today